Logistics Support Services
from Research Optimus

Research Optimus (ROP) provides cost-effective logistics research services for organizations looking to evaluate logistics partners for their business.

Our team, based in Bangalore, India, aims to provide a clear picture of the pricing dynamics of the logistics operation. This is backed by thorough research on the local market, the logistics service providers, and transportation regulations.

This is why we are the offshore research partner of companies in the medical, pharmaceutical, e-commerce and manufacturing industries from across North America, Europe, and Australia, who need relevant insights for choosing the perfect logistics partner.

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Services We Offer Under
Logistics Research Support

Our services include but are not limited to:

  • Sourcing and Procurement Research Support

    Our procurement and sourcing teams are equipped to find out the necessary document processing and transaction process support required by international logistics companies with data on pricing, supplier selection, and purchasing and negotiating, acquisition, and risk management.

  • Warehousing and Yard Management Support

    ROP is experienced in providing all the information required for warehousing and yard management including directing businesses toward the right asset management agencies that can adhere to the timelines at the best price.

  • Customer Relationship Management Suggestions

    We suggest clients on implementing tools and processes to stay on top of order tracking, order fulfillment, and the processing of important documentation required to keep track of the logistics.

  • Market Prioritization

    Markets for potential entry are prioritized by strategic fit, and ability to serve a need, including gaps that your business can fill.

Benefits of Availing Research Optimus’s
Logistics Support Services

The benefits of working with us are varied and include:

  • Work with an expert team of researchers and analysts with years of exposure to the logistics and supply chain industries

  • Gather relevant data and insights in easy-to-consume and easy-to-share presentation and infographic formats

  • Scale the teams up or down depending on your project requirements with our flexible engagement plans

  • Ensure complete project confidentiality with NDAs and our compliance to ISO 27001:2013 protocols.

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Discover how ROP’s logistics support services can assist you in deciding on the right logistics partner as well as the pricing. Contact us today to learn more.

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