Commodity Trend

Research Optimus (ROP) has the experience and tools needed to stay on top of the global trade in today’s fast-moving commodities markets. ROP offers a wide range of commodity market research services to suit a diverse clientele. Rather than using some black box tool, our commodity research professionals have developed customized commodity market analysis models, which means we know exactly what goes in and what comes out of our research. When only the highest quality commodity research information is what you want, Research Optimus has you covered.

Commodities can be a rewarding market to trade or invest in. Research Optimus understands that commodities markets are often driven by fundamental, real events occurring in the world. Keeping up with global news events and understanding the relation to other markets, such as the US Dollar, ROP provides this critical analysis to successfully trade commodities.

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Commodity Trend Services
by Research Optimus

Research Optimus’s commodities market research takes both short-term and long-term views, building a comprehensive picture of all commodities markets we track. To remain competitive and allocate resources most efficiently, we have narrowed our focus down to four commodity sectors. These include metals, energy, agriculture, and livestock. There are several futures covered within each section. Our coverage is composed of fundamental and technical analysis. Below are further details on each sector.

  • Metals Commodity Market Research

    Our metals coverages include gold, silver, and copper. Gold and silver are more speculative plays while copper is an industrial metal. While gold and silver are overwhelming speculative, mining demand and supply also play important roles in the price movement of these metals. Our research will keep you informed of mining events and developments.

  • Energy Commodity Market Analysis

    Natural gas and oil are two of the most widely tracked energy commodities around the globe. We track both Brent and Crude oil markets. This includes rig count, shale oil projects, and OPEC & US oil policy announcements. As well, we closely monitor the solar energy market and its influence on natural gas and oil.

  • Agriculture Commodity Research

    Our agriculture commodity analysis includes the following futures: Wheat, soybeans, corn, sugar, and coffee. The selection of this set is based on customer demand and overall price movement of these futures, which allows for many opportunities.

  • Livestock Commodity Analysis

    Our Livestock analysis includes LV (Live) Cattle, Lean Hogs, and RD (Feeder) Cattle. Our livestock analysis is technically based, given the lack of breaking events in this area. With a strong background in chart analysis, we’re able to provide insight into the momentum and direction of each of these three livestock markets.

Commodity Market Research and Analysis to Have Edge Against Price Fluctuations

Some of the key benefits of availing ROP’s market research services are as follows:

  • Our commodities research contains just the right amount of fundamental and technical commodity market analysis, creating a fine balance between these two disciplines. This ensures our research is not so heavy on technology that we might miss key developments occurring around the globe.

  • We have the first-hand contact with farmers, producers, livestock management, feet-on-the-ground in oil fields and metals miners. Commodity market analysis is a complex, interconnected web requiring contacts in many different areas. However, without such contacts, you can be vulnerable to events only those closest to that specific commodity are aware of.

  • Through years of experience and training, our analysts are the best in the business. They know the commodities markets and can help ensure you don’t miss opportunities, while at the same time, keeping you out of potential pitfalls.

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Increase Your Probability with ROP’s Commodity
Trend Service

If you’re ready to enhance the overall quality of your commodity market research services, ROP is a reliable partner you can trust. In addition to high-quality research, you’ll have access to our analyst for any questions you might have about our research. Contact us to get started today.

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