Banking Analytics Services
from Research Optimus

At Research Optimus (ROP), our researchers have mastered the art of banking analytics services, helping companies that deal with delinquencies and collections. Our white-label collections analytics services are used by research firms and organizations from across the globe to reap significant cost advantages.

We operate from Bangalore, India and assess predictive patterns to help our customers make informed strategic decisions with regards to their collections.

Our flexible engagement plans make us a great choice for MNCs, SMEs and startups from North America and Europe looking for an offshore research partner. Contact us to know more.

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Our Banking Analytics Offerings

We have an extensive suite of offerings for meeting the banking analytics needs of companies including –

  • Data Preparation

    We can prepare databases for thorough analyses and support your data to improve your collections decision making.

  • Predictive Analytics

    We use collections analytics to make informed predictions and help you decide how best to allocate resources.

  • Pattern Recognition

    We will analyze your data and recognize possible patterns to draw important conclusions about your collections procedures.

  • Trend Analysis

    We will spot trends using advanced analytical tools both in contacting and collecting from debtors.

  • Segmentation

    We will discover and use segments within a dataset that indicate groupings for your business.

  • Customer Intelligence

    We use a number of advanced statistical tools to understand customers and customer behavior.

  • Principal Component Analysis

    We will discover potential predictive tools based on groups within your data sets. This data can be used to better understand numerous areas of your collections processes.

  • Data Layout and Quality Checking

    We prepare databases by cleaning data and ensuring quality so that all information gleaned from them is as accurate as possible.

Contact Us

Research Optimus takes confidentiality seriously, and our prices are incredibly affordable – far less expensive than completing analytical and research work in-house. If you have a need for collections analytics, contact us today.

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